Everyone has made a mistake. Talcum powder itself is not carcinogenic.


Talc itself is not carcinogenic, but you need to pay attention to asbestos risks when using it

In our daily lives, talc is widely used in many fields, including cosmetics, medicine, food, ceramics, etc. However, due to some misunderstandings, talc is often considered to be carcinogenic, which is actually a misunderstanding. Talc itself is not carcinogenic, and the real risk that needs attention comes from "asbestos".

The relationship between talc and asbestos

The main component of talc is talc (hydrated magnesium silicate), with a chemical formula of Mg₃〔Si₄O₁₀〕(OH)₂, which is a mineral. The crystals of talc are usually in the form of flakes or blocks. After crushing, acid treatment, water washing and drying, they are made into industrial products. Talc has excellent properties such as lubricity, fire resistance and insulation, so it is widely used in many fields.

However, talc mines are often associated with serpentine containing the carcinogen "asbestos". Without strict separation treatment, talc may contain asbestos, which is internationally recognized as a carcinogen.

talcum powder

Controversy over whether talc causes cancer

Neither the National Toxicology Program (NTP) nor the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has listed talc as a known or possible carcinogen. Current research shows that there is no conclusive evidence that talc itself causes cancer. The key lies in whether it contains asbestos. my country's "Requirements for Raw Materials of Talcum Powder for Cosmetics" clearly stipulates that asbestos must not be detected in talc, which means that talc that has passed the test can be used safely.

Characteristics and Uses of Talcum

Due to its special physical and chemical properties, talc is widely used in the following fields:

Cosmetics: such as talcum powder and beauty powder, which can enhance sun protection and infrared resistance.

Medical and food: used as an additive in tablets, powders, sugar coatings, food isolation agents, etc.

Ceramic industry: used to manufacture various industrial ceramics and architectural ceramics.

Papermaking: improve the smoothness and service life of paper.

Coatings and plastics: Used as a filler to improve the mechanical strength and stability of products.

The correct way to use talcum powder

Although talcum powder itself is safe, you need to pay attention when using products containing talcum powder:

Make sure the product source is reliable and meets the safety standards of relevant countries or regions, especially talcum powder without asbestos.

Powdered products should be kept away from the mouth and nose to avoid inhalation of dust.

Under reasonable and foreseeable conditions of use, compliant talcum powder products are safe for the human body.

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